17-06-2023 17-06-2023

Archaeology workshop for children

Sign up for the archaeology workshop for children aged 8 - 12. At the museum, you will dig up real finds under the guidance of two enthusiastic staff members. It starts at 2pm.

On Saturday 17 June, the museum organises an archaeology workshop for children aged 8 - 12. That weekend is archaeology days and Museum Voorschoten is participating. In the archaeo-workshop, children get to work with real archaeological finds and learn what it is like to be an archaeologist. They dig up finds, determine what kind of objects they are dealing with and work together to set up their own exhibition.

The workshop will be led by two enthusiastic museum teachers who will provide the children with explanations and facts. It starts at 2pm and lasts about an hour and a half. Tickets are on sale on the website www.museumvoorschoten.nl

