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22-06-2022 22-06-2022

Colonialism, slavery and country houses' - Lecture on the relationship between country houses and the colonial past

On 22.06 slavery historian Karwan Fatah-Black gives a lecture in the cultural programme of Buitenplaats Berbice, about the relationship between country houses and the history of colonialism.

On 22 June, the cultural programme of Buitenplaats Berbice will include a lecture by slavery historian Karwan Fatah-Black on the relationship between country estates and the history of slavery and colonialism. The Voorschoten country estate Berbice used to be called Allemansgeest but was renamed Berbice in 1822, a name that refers to the colonial past and its great dark side: the history of slavery.

Atlantic past of slavery
Historian Karwan Fatah-Black is an expert in the field of early modern globalisation and the Atlantic past of slavery. At Leiden University, he researches the Dutch colonial past, slavery and Surinam and he collaborated on 'The World History of the Netherlands'. He also published books on slavery and colonial administration. He received a prize for his research on, among other things, the formal and informal transatlantic trade of the Netherlands in the Golden Age and the role of the slave trade in it. In 2020, Fatah-Black gave the Keti Koti Lecture of the National Institute Dutch Slavery Past and Heritage (NiNSee) and last year his book 'Slavery and Civilisation. History of a paradox'.

Traces of the colonial past on Berbice
Although the similarity in name between the Berbice colony and the Berbice country house is striking, this is not the only relationship between the country house and the colonial past, nor the only country house where such a relationship exists. Berbice has had more residents who were once in some way connected to one of the Dutch colonies. This has influenced the development and history of the buitenplaats. With two lectures, the foundation wants to pay attention to this aspect of the past. The lecture by Karwan Fatah-Black in June is the first of these lectures. In his lecture, Fatah-Black takes visitors on a journey into the colonial past of the 17th century and its influence on slavery and the import of cultural and economic riches. Nancy Jouwe is the evening's moderator. She is a researcher of Utrecht's history of slavery, cultural historian, publicist, freelance researcher, co-author of 'Traces of Slavery' and co-author of the 'Guide to the history of slavery in the Netherlands'.

Lecture in the Kruispunt Voorschoten
Practical details: Wednesday evening, 22 June, Kruispunt, Schoolstraat 2 in Voorschoten. Start: 20:00, walk-in with coffee and tea from 19:30. Tickets can be ordered by transferring € 7.50 per person to NL98 ABNA 0505 5047 90. You will not receive a confirmation. The list of payers will be at the entrance to the hall. You can enter more than one person, we can see that by the amount.
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The Foundation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Sites was founded in 2000 and has managed the Berbice country estate since 2009. The Friends of Berbice was founded in early 2016 with the aim of organising cultural activities and recruiting Friends, who have a soft spot for Berbice and want to help restore the country house to its former glory. Any proceeds from the cultural activities will benefit the Berbice country estate.


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