brug hofcampweg -min
04-04-2023 01-10-2024

New and higher Hofcamp bridge

Port and centre in Wassenaaer better accessible by boat

Wassenaar municipality wants to improve the accessibility of waterways, strengthen water structures and enhance the experience of water. One component is the elevation and improvement of the Hofcampweg bridge, which crosses the Zijlwatering.

The Zijlwatering in Wassenaar connects the Rhine (direction Leiden, Katwijk and Voorschoten) with the 2 harbours in and near the centre of Wassenaar. The Hofcampweg bridge is now the lowest passable bridge (headway 2.40 m) and therefore the bottleneck in the shipping route. And this bridge will now be replaced and raised to 2.50 m.

Alderman Aart van Sloten: 'By renewing the bridge, we are killing a few birds with one stone. We are thus not only investing in Wassenaar's traffic safety, but we are also working on improving the tourist climate at the same time."

Here is an overall schedule:
Nov '22        start
Feb '23        demolition of old bridge
Feb-May '23 construction of new bridge
July '23        completion