20-03-2022 20-03-2022

walk-in concert Dorpskerk Voorschoten

On Sunday 20 March, a walk-in concert will be held again in the Dorpskerk. From 16.00 hours you can listen to guitar and flute music, interspersed with pieces by a bassoon ensemble.

Louisa Löffler, Arnoud Reinders and Martijn van 't Zelfde will surprise you with a multicoloured palette of musical styles; Spanish rhythms interspersed with swinging jazz and original game music.
The bassoon quartet (consisting of:
- Eefke de Haan,
- Dick Hanemaayer,
- Martine Reurings
- and Koos van Tubergen)
For this programme, they draw on orchestral music, such as Rosamunde by Schubert, and also perform original quartet music for bassoon and contrabassoon. The composers Prokofiew and Hartley make good use of the different colours that the bassoon can sound like, from pointed and smooth to melancholic. A few comical bouncers, so characteristic of the bassoon, complete the programme.
The concert will also be digitally recorded, so that people can follow it live or watch it again afterwards.
After the concert, there is an opportunity at the exit of the church to make a financial contribution towards the costs.



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