Hiking trail along De Vliet

Mary Brouwersgeboren in Loosduinen, vanaf 1977 woonachtig in Voorschoten

My Favorite Place: Walking path along the Vliet

Where: Hofvliet, Voorschoten

Why: When I walk along the water of the Vliet, I relax. You see something different every time. I regularly sit on a bench to watch the passing boats. I listen to the rippling water, enjoy all the different birds and the beautiful view of the Vlietlanden. You see the seasons slip by. Sometimes I sit in a thick coat in the middle of winter on the bench next to the water. Even then, the Vliet is still beautiful, especially when it freezes like last year. When it is gently spring again, you will see all the trees and shrubs turning green again. That first green is so beautiful. In the summer the boats come and in the autumn you see nature change color and slowly go back to winter. A unique place that I enjoy every day.

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