The buitenplaats Berbice

Nelleke de VriesDirigente

My Favorite Place: The buitenplaats Berbice

Why: As a passionate amateur photographer, I enjoy a walk in the beautiful Berbice country estate. It is great that in Voorschoten beautiful stately old buildings and parks such as the originally 17th century Buitenplaats Berbice are maintained and preserved. The Berbice park is maintained by volunteers and is currently full of beautiful ferns, which I love. The rose garden is also beautiful, although the roses are very late this year. The rose garden was designed in 1968 by Miss Begeer, the last owner of the country estate. The volunteers who do the garden maintenance on Berbice have worked hard to restore the rose garden with the fragrant hybrid tea roses. Vogels also find a nice quiet place in the park. Maintenance is currently taking place in the park, when that is finished I will definitely take a look again.

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