Zilverfabriek, Voorschoten

Ronald HeijmansBetrokken inwoner van Voorschoten

My Favorite Place: Zilverfabriek, Voorschoten

Where: Leidseweg 219, Voorschoten

Why: On my first visit to Voorschoten, this building was the first thing I saw; the beautiful palatial white building on Leidseweg. It turned out to be the (former) Silver Factory. From that moment on, the building has a special place in my heart. From 1858, the building was the home of the “Royal Dutch Factory of Gold and Silver Goods”. In 1985 the “Zilverfabriek” left the municipality, after which Mexx had its head office there until 2008. The property is currently owned by KRC Hotel Investments. The appearance of the building is phenomenal. It reminded me and always reminds me of Soestdijk Palace. The beautiful location, slightly off the road and in the green; it is always a pleasure to drive into Voorschoten along this side.

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