stal den Hollander mensen-1

Farm den Hollander

Coffee and cake, lunch or just a nice juice?

Our farm has been owned by the den Hollander family for generations. The oldest part of the farm was built in 1879. Our dairy farm is the most important part. We milk between 60 and 70 cows, nowadays with the milk robot. We used to deliver our milk to the Menken factory in Wassenaar and make our own cheese. Since 1998 Menken closed their doors and we started delivering our milk to the Cono milk factory in the Beemster. There they make Beemster cheese in the traditional way. So now we sell the Beemster cheese where our milk goes to. Besides our cows, we also have sheep for sale and breeding. Of course we also have hobby cattle around it.

We are Arnold and Mireille den Hollander and have 3 children who want to help where necessary. Besides our work on the farm we have opened our farm shop since 30 May 2020. Because our milk goes to the Cono factory in the Beemster, where Beemster cheese is made, we find it very nice to sell this artisanal cheese with us. We also have fresh dairy products such as : Milk, buttermilk, yoghurt, custard, quark and butter. We get fresh honey and honey products from the beekeeper. At Schulp we get 100% fresh juices, straight from the land. There are also super nice gift packages for sale. The intention is that we will involve young people and adults with a need for help in our business by offering a suitable daytime activity. Together with these top people, we are at your service 4 days a week.



Kenmerk naam kenmerk waarde